How to Make Your Buyers Fall in Love with Your House? Howard Zelin Shares Some Tips

Are you planning to sell your home? Although it is most likely that the buyers will have a look at a property at its entirety prior to determining that they want to purchase it or not, yet there are certain areas in a house that seek more attention as compared to others. A buyer prefers a clean, comfortable and a calm bathroom where he can spend a great deal of time. 

In case your bathroom is not so impressive, it is going to be a major reason towards an instant turn off. Thus, it is worth spending some money and time to remodel your bathroom prior to selling, as it will certainly add to its value.

Looking for some innovative ideas to give a facelift to your bathroom, seek advice from Howard Zelin who has a great expertise in commercial real estate analysis, real estate finance, development services and approval process. He is the president of Zell Development Corporation that aims at helping its clients with their retail commercial real estate needs. Have a sneak peak at some ideas to facelift your bathroom as provided by Howard –

Choose color palette that suits ambience
  1. It is better to choose the color palette that perfectly matches the color theme in other rooms in your house. Take into account some better color ideas that greatly assist with painting.
  2. Go for deep cleaning

Inspect your bathroom carefully. If you notice that your bathroom has not been renovated since years and it demands a serious makeover, then it‘s time to start with deep cleaning. Clean all the fixtures, materials and cabinets thoroughly.

Do not compromise with fixtures and accessories
Do not purchase cheap fixtures and accessories to impress the homebuyers, as they will prefer only the quality building materials. Also, avoid anything quite luxurious that does not match with the rest of the décor.
This piece of advice from Howard Zelin is definitely going to make your buyers fall in love with your house. Breathe a new life into your bathroom and add value to it.


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